
Enhancing Intensity of Emitted Light from a Ring by Incorporating a Circular Groove.

  • 作者: C. K. Chang,...等
  • 出處: 台灣大學應用力研究所 D. Z. Lin, Y. C. Chang, M. W. Lin, J. T. Yeh, J. M. Liu, C. S. Yeh, and C. K. Lee
  • 內容: We fabricated a ring containing a single circular groove (RCG) on silver film and which was supported on a glass substrate. We found that by changing the mean radius of the circular groove, the light intensity emitted from the RCG can be modulated by using the scattering light from the circular groove. In addition, we also fabricated circular grooves with the same depth but of different widths so that we could examine the scattering light behavior of the grooves. Herein, we propose a theoretical model which takes into account the amplitude modulation of the cylindrical waves. Our results showed that our proposed model agreed well with the experimental results.

    本論文已在Optics Express, Vol. 15, No. 23, pp. 15029-15034 (November 2007)發表,全文請詳附加檔案連結說明。
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