
Full-Field Measurements in the Principal Axisand Phase Retardation of Linear Birefringent Materials

  • 作者: Yu-Lung Lo等
  • 出處: National Cheng Kung University
  • 內容: Two novel heterodyne interferometers designed for measuring the principal axis and phase retardation of the linear birefringent materials in full-field are proposed. By using a complex programmable logic device (CPLD) and a charge-coupled device (CCD), integrating buckets with multiple frames are achieved. We can achieve to measure the principal axis and phase retardation in full field simultaneously, but the dynamic range of phase retardation measurement is only up to 90°. The second system is designed to achieve the full-scale and full-field measurement by sequentially measurement.
  • 檔案下載:Full-Field Measurements in the Principal Axisand P
  • 下載次數:298