

  • 作者: 陽明交通電子工程/曾銘綸 教授
  • 出處: 2022 AOI論壇與展覽
  • 內容: 本篇為「2022 AOI論壇與展覽」演講簡報,內容簡介如下:

    To further innovate the photonic technologies for imaging, characterization, and sensing, it is highly needed for compact and high-efficiency devices. In recent years, there is a novel class of photonic devices, called meta-lenses, that seem to provide a striking platform for this goal. Being different from conventional bulky photonic components, meta-lenses consist of well-engineered nanostructures and are ultra-thin, lightweight, and show various novel functionalities that conventional counterparts lack. In this talk, I will introduce the concept, working mechanisms, and novel applications of nano-photonic meta-lenses. I will also report my perspective on the future directions for meta-lens research.
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